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Bee Safe Neighborhoods Meeting Jan. 4th

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:57 am
by jskilby
You are invited to my home at 1571 Judson Drive at 10 AM on Saturday, January 4th to learn how to make your neighborhood Bee Safe one for our families and our pollinators. We can reduce health risks for people and pollinators living in neighborhoods by establishing greatly reduced or pesticide free zones. Two items will be covered:

1. Nancy Griffith of Bee Safe Neighborhoods | Living Systems Institute / Honeybee Keep / Nice World will present a model for approaching neighbors in an outreach to reduce or eliminate pesticide use and to increase pollinator plantings. Our focus is friendly, listening based, educational outreach which offers tools to make it easier for people to consider going pesticide free.

After hearing the presentation, if you decide you would like to approach your neighbors, we will have sample print outs and electronic links to information to support you such as:
brochure on the importance of pollinators;
list of neonicotinoids and related systemics so people can check labels;
list of plants that support pollinators and make lovely landscape additions;
handout on cancer and pesticides, especially child health
list of eco friendly garden centers or landscape management companies
a pledge sheet to track address of people committed to a pollinator friendly yard.

We hope you will decide to join us the adopting the goal for your neighborhood of reaching 75 contiguous homes pledged to Bee Safe. Bring a neighbor or a few from your area and we can work as teams. Many hands make light work, as they say!

Finally, in midsummer, anyone from our January gathering who has collected pledges to create a Bee Safe Neighborhoods will be invited to a mid summer picnic to celebrate our success.

We will also provide an update on the status Mesa Park at Hartford and Table Mesa in Boulder. Discussion will center around promoting a family and pollinator healthy park design.

We are planning a quick and concise meeting with plenty of written handouts to support your efforts. We expect the business to be done by 11, but if you wish to stay to network until noon, you are welcome to do so. Please do RSVP so I know how much tea and goodies to provide. Janet Kilby at [email protected]